Under Pressure: Canning Chaos

Over the past few months, I've embarked on a self-teaching journey to learn the art of pressure canning my own food. This newfound skill not only empowers me to take control of what goes into my meals but also addresses concerns about my digestive health. Struggling with bloating and constipation, I've become increasingly conscious of the ingredients in store-bought foods. By canning my own fruits, vegetables, and preserves, I can ensure that my meals are free from additives and preservatives that may contribute to discomfort. With each batch of homemade goodness, I'm not just preserving food, but also preserving my well-being and peace of mind.
Navigating the wealth of information available on pressure canning and water bathing your cans can feel overwhelming, especially for beginners like myself. In the beginning, I found myself lost in a sea of conflicting advice and techniques. However, through diligent research and trial and error, I discovered what worked best for me. Now, I'm excited to share some tips and insights that helped me along my canning journey. From proper sterilization techniques to understanding the difference between high and low-acid foods, I've gathered invaluable knowledge that I'm eager to pass on. Additionally, I'll be attaching a few helpful links and videos that served as guiding lights during my learning process. With these resources and a little bit of patience, you'll be well on your way to mastering the art of canning in no time. Let's embark on this delicious journey together!

When I first started canning, I purchased a water bath canner, assuming it could handle all my canning needs. However, I soon realized that certain foods, like beans, required pressure canning for safety. After returning the water bath canner, I opted for the Presto canner, which offers the versatility of both pressure canning and water bathing. Notably recommended by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, this multi-functional canner has been a game-changer in my canning journey.

I'll be honest, I was definitely intimidated by the idea of using a pressure canner at first. But thanks to an amazing YouTube tutorial I found, my fears were eased and I gained the confidence to tackle pressure canning with ease. In the Mudbrooker's tutorial, you'll be guided from unboxing your pressure canner all the way to cooking beans with confidence. Additionally, I've found the USDA's Complete Guide to Home Canning to be an invaluable resource, providing comprehensive information on safe canning practices. For further inspiration and recipe ideas, I'll also link a selection of cookbooks that have been instrumental in my canning journey.

"Don't let the pressure fool you; canning is just a can-do attitude away!" Happy Canning!

Here are the two links I have found most helpful for me:



Presto Pressure Canner

Canning & Preserving with Recipes

Water Bath & Preserving

Tip: Knowing your elevation is crucial for pressure canning because it directly impacts the boiling point of water. At higher elevations, the atmospheric pressure is lower, causing water to boil at a lower temperature. This lower boiling point can affect the safety and effectiveness of pressure canning, as it may not reach the necessary temperature to kill harmful bacteria and pathogens in canned food. Therefore, adjusting the pressure according to your elevation ensures that your canned goods are properly processed and safe for consumption.


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