Starters to Sourdough: Slinging Dough with Passion and Precision

In the midst of life's hustle and bustle, I've made a conscious decision to carve out some precious time for myself, embracing moments of solitude and self-discovery. Among the various new endeavors I've embarked upon, one stands out as a particularly enriching journey: the mastery of sourdough baking. With flour-dusted hands and a heart full of curiosity, I've immersed myself in the art and science of crafting artisanal loaves from scratch. In the quiet sanctuary of my kitchen, I've found solace and inspiration, as I patiently nurture my sourdough starter and experiment with different techniques and recipes. Through the process of breadmaking, I've discovered a profound sense of fulfillment, as each loaf emerges from the oven with its unique character and aroma, a testament to my dedication and passion. As I continue to delve deeper into the world of sourdough, I'm reminded of the beauty of slowing down, savoring each moment, and finding joy in the simple act of creation.

Sourdough sandwich bread holds a special place in my heart, blending the tangy flavors of sourdough with the comforting familiarity of a classic loaf. With each slice, I'm transported to a world of homemade goodness and nourishing simplicity. This recipe is a testament to the magic of sourdough, with its soft, pillowy texture and subtle hints of fermentation. Whether toasted to perfection and slathered with creamy butter or piled high with layers of savory fillings, this bread never fails to delight my taste buds and warm my soul. As I knead the dough and watch it rise, I'm filled with a sense of anticipation and joy, knowing that I'm creating something truly special with my own two hands. With each batch, I'm reminded of the timeless tradition of breadmaking and the power of simple ingredients to bring people together in a shared celebration of food and fellowship.


-        400 grams Bread Flour

-        200 grams Water

-        100 grams active wheat

-        20 grams honey

-        20 grams olive oil

-        8 grams salt


1.    Place 100 grams of active starter in mixing bowl with 200 grams water. Mix until a milky color

2.    Add all other ingredients. Mix to combine until all flour is gone

3.    Let it rest on counter for one hour cover

4.    You will perform 2 sets of stretch. (1hr rest between eat stretch)

5.    Stretch dough out to rectangle

6.    Roll up the dough so it forms a cylinder & place in a greased pan (9 X5)

7.    Cover with saran wrap

8.    Let it double on counter (2-3 hrs)

9.    Once double place in refrigerator for a few hours

10.  Pre-heat oven to 375 degrees and bake for 40 min, top should be soft golden brown

11. Butter the top and let it cool on wire rack before slicing.

Sourdough Sandwich Bread will make around 12-14 slices

Click Bow Knife to access the knife I use in our kitchen.

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Under Pressure: Canning Chaos


Rise to the Challenge: Creating Your Own Sourdough Starter from Scratch