Dance Party Dreams: Our Kids' Bedtime Adventure

Recently, I've been asked about our kids' bedtime routine, and I'm excited to share how it's become a special and enjoyable part of our evenings. We have a simple yet fun routine where we use gentle products on their hair and skin, ensuring they're clean and comfortable before bed. To cap off the night, we always end with a dance party to their favorite song, "Hot Chocolate" from the Polar Express soundtrack. It's a joyful way to wind down together and create lasting memories filled with laughter and love.

In our kids' nightly routine, we incorporate a few key products to ensure their hair and skin are healthy and nourished. First, we use Milkshake Leave-In Conditioner Spray Detangler, which is gentle and effective, protecting their hair and hydrating dry strands for soft and shiny results, whether straight or curly. Then, we apply a few drops of Moroccanoil Treatment, a versatile product that can be used on both damp and dry hair, providing essential moisture and promoting overall hair health. Finally, we complete their skincare routine with Eminence Organic Skincare Lime Refresh Tonique, a refreshing and balancing toner enriched with lime juice, green tea, and lavender. This toner helps reduce the appearance of pores, while also nourishing and rejuvenating their skin.

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Love the smell of this leave in conditioner and helps with our toddlers hair after a long day of play

Having personally used Moroccanoil for years, I've naturally incorporated it into my kids' routine as well.

We end our routine with Lime Refresh Tonique, a favorite among us all, as the kids giggle with delight when misted on their faces.


Under Pressure: Canning Chaos